DIY Wedding Tips - Guest Post

Here is another Lovely post from Cassie, A TY Student we had in the WeddingDates HQ a few weeks back!

Want to make your wedding stand out that extra mile without spending lots and lots more money? Well there’s plenty of ways. Here are just a few of my favorites.

1. Celebrations
We always see on TV after a wedding confetti being thrown over the happy couple or white doves being released just as they leave the church. The tradition is rice, a sign of fertility, but if your like me and don’t like the idea of either of those why not keep things simple and use something like bubbles! Might sound stupid to you right now but have you ever seen a wedding picture with bubbles? There’s that sense of innocence and freshness. When we we’re young we played with bubbles, well when you get married your relationship is still young so why not represent this through bubbles? Fun eh?

2. One More Kiss.
We’ve all heard about the game of getting the bride and groom to kiss during the reception but why not do that extra something like get people to tell a story about you or your partner or even the two of you as a couple. Every time someone tells a story you have to kiss! The laughs and tears will be going on and on.
Another idea would be to have a box at each table, in the box is a question and different answers. The question is about the bride or groom and everyone at the table have to work together to choose the right answer. Each right answer equals one kiss. This gets the people at the table talking to each other and getting to know people instead of them sitting at the table awkwardly not talking.

3. LOVEly place-cards
Why not spread the love through your place-cards? On the back of each place-card write a love quote. Something like: “If you have it [love], you don’t need to have anything else. If you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter much what else you have” -James M. Barrie
“We are all born for love. It is the principle of existence, and its only end.”-Benjamin Disraeli
Chances are you won’t run out of the, the list goes on and on but if you feel yourself running out don’t hesitate to repeat!

4. A different kind of wedding favour
Can’t come up with a wedding favour that you want people to remember? Why not push the boat out all together and create your own wedding soundtrack! Maybe even write and record your own song for it if you feel up for the challenge. But if you think that’s too much work why not just burn all the songs your using in your ceremony and all the others that have a special meaning in both you and your partners heart.Then create a personalized CD cover with your names, date of the wedding and even a picture of the happy couple. Sure to get everyone talking about its uniqueness.
Too much work? Well here’s another one! Go out and buy up bars of chocolate, take the original paper off and and create your own personalized wrapper. Same idea as the CD cover but smaller! Which ever one of the two you choose just make sure you make it original and personal. Something people will remember you as a couple by.
Finding all that too much? Then go for a simpler approach. We’re all familiar to the lottery scratch cards right? Why not stock up on them, go out and find yourself red envelopes and start saving the 1cents. There you have the perfect wedding favor! Put the scratch card and 1cent into the red envelope, on the front of the envelope write the words ‘Lucky In Love’ (Maybe in silver, let it stand out) and place them at each seat. Cheap and cheerful! Who knows, maybe someone will be leaving your wedding with lots of cash!

5. Simple centrepiece
Stuck for an idea for your centrepieces? Simple! Get a jam jar, fill it 3/4’s of the way with water and drop in a tea light. Don’t worry the tea light will float. Place it in the center of the table and surround with rose petals or leaves, twigs, flowers, whatever takes your fancy. Viola! Sophisticated, sweet, simple centrepiece! Not enough? Well then how do you like Coca-Cola? Maybe it was the fist drink you shared with your lover. (Personal touches are always nice!) Get out and start looking for the glass bottles to use as vases! Might think that sound tacky but if it suits your theme go with it. It can look amazing. Maybe your going to name your tables? Then you could put little flags out of each bottle with the name of your table on each one. Just and idea.

Want to do something different for your guests that fun? Why not hire a photographer that will bring props, (or maybe you’ll have some stuff at home that you could use. Hats, wigs, boas etc.) Set up a backdrop, something completely random. (For example, if your weddings in the summer and everyone’s out in their short dresses and summer clothes have a snowy background.) Get the photographer to take pictures of everyone with the props! Might seem mad to everyone but imagine the laughs when the pictures are developed! Imagine the wedding album… non-stop laughs guaranteed!

Maybe you have some unique ideas you would like to share in the comments?

Image by Zanastardust. Sourced via Flickr Creative Commons Images

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