Looking For A Wedding Date? Two Brothers Use Craigslist To Find Theirs!

Two single brothers have taken to Craigslist to find themselves a date for their cousin’s wedding! The young men posted an ad on the site after being “told by the bride that bringing dates is “mandatory” so we “won’t harass all of my friends all night” and “stay under control”. That seems like a valid reason right?!.. They go on to explain they would prefer to bring complete strangers rather than someone they already know, ok then..

Incase you haven’t already noticed from the image above, the brothers decided to include in the ad an image of themselves as centaurs from Greek mythology, interesting choice! The gentlemen state clearly what is in it for the lucky ladies as their chosen guests; ‘An excuse to get dressed up, ppen bar & food all night, eccentric/downright dangerous bro-2-bro dance moves, adventure, mystery, suspense, true love, royalties once our night’s story is developed into a romantic comedy’. Does that sound appealing to you?

Describing themselves as ‘in our 20s, single, dashingly tall, Anglo-Saxon’, the cheeky brothers are also not afraid to share exactly what type of women they are seeking, ‘you should be attractive or our aunts will judge you, but not TOO attractive or one of our uncles might grope you’. If some of you are now wondering whether this is just a joke, I assure you it isn’t. According to Daily Intel the American pair have received almost 500 responses already. We are curious to see who they choose to bring along to the family wedding, and especially how the date goes!

Take a look at the entire ad below!

{Sources: Gawker, Craigslist, Happy Place}

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