Real Life Proposal Stories ~ Gives "Shopping in New York" a new meaning!

A new slot here on “The Bride Is Always Late” is our Real Life Proposal stories – we’ll be bringing you one a week to keep you entertained, give you ideas and keep you inspired by the sometimes romantic, sometimes hilarious lengths guys (and girls!) will go to when proposing!  First up, young loves, Jen and Dion from Cork…..

Couples Names: Jennifer Feeney & Dion Cahill
Proposal Date: December 2005
Wedding Date: 22nd Dec. 2006

Wedding Location: St Michaels Church, Ballyduff & Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig

Proposal Story:

“Dion and I had been going out for 10 years before we got engaged so it should not have come as a surprise to me when he proposed but I was totally unprepared for it when it came!  It was approaching Christmas 2005 & we had planned a weekend in Galway so that I could do some shopping and Dion could attend a course (which later transpired as fictional!). I packed for a leisurely 2 night break in the West of Ireland, putting only comfortable clothes & essentials in the bag which would later freak me out!

I was exhausted, so when we got in the car early on Thurs morning I fell asleep straight away.  When I woke up, we had arrived at Shannon airport!!  Dion proposed to me there and then in the car and said we were off to New York to get the ring!!  I couldn’t believe it, I was obviously delighted but panicked at the thought of having nothing in the bag and no passport or money!  Dion very wisely had arranged passport and money and had clearly been telling a few white lies during the previous weeks or so!

We arrived in New York, in freezing cold winter weather (snow everywhere!) and had to buy hats and scarves to keep ourselves warm.  But it was so Christmassy and the lights of New York were amazing with everyone racing around doing the last minute Xmas shopping.  Friends of ours had gotten engaged awhile previously and had recommended a diamond dealer in New York for us, so we made an appointment to see him and on the first day in New York we met the jeweller and decided on the diamond and the setting.  He made it up for us and we had the ring for the journey back to Ireland.  Our friends and family were so thrilled for us and the planning started immediately!

I had always wanted a winter wedding, since I love Christmas and my birthday falls on 30th Dec.  Dion also liked the idea of a Christmas Wedding.  We were in the process of building our house throughout the engagement, so it was a busy time with the house build and the wedding prep.  We waited to move into our new house until after the wedding so that we had that to look forward to after our honey moon. A two and a half years on and we haven’t killed each other yet!!!!  I hope that we are as happy for the next 50 years as we were on that famous day in Shannon Airport. “

Ciara Crossan

Ciara is the Founder and CEO of WeddingDates and has a particular love for quirky & unusual weddings! Considered a wedding venue expert, lucky for her she has visited hundreds of stunning wedding venues all over Ireland and the UK.

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