6 Ways To Reduce Stress When Wedding Planning

When planning your wedding, you’ll more than likely have a zillion things on the go! From liaising with your venue and photographer to choosing your flowers and colour palette, things are sure to get a little hectic. I’m sure everything will go to plan on the day, but what about you? It’s your special day and not only do you want to look great but you want to feel great too!

The moment you get engaged, don’t forget to indulge and think about yourself every once in a while. Whether it’s two years or two months until the big day, here are a few things to get thinking about so you don’t just look amazing, but you feel amazing too.

Reduce Stress Wedding Planning


From the get-go, begin a good skincare regime. I’m no beauty expert but we all know that if we go dabbling in new products the week before a big event, chances are a giant spot will come knocking the night before. Visit your beautician or if you have acne-prone skin, look up skincare experts in your county and get some essential advice. Start as you mean to go on.


Wedding planning can be fun but also exhausting and there will be lots of errands to run in the weeks beforehand. You’ll want to feel in tip top shape. It doesn’t matter what size you are, it’s not about being size 2, it’s about feeling fit and full of energy cause you are going to need it! Even a long walk in the evening either with a friend or with your iPod will perk you up and relieve stress.


Again, it’s not about losing weight, it’s about feeling great. I’m not a nutritionist but lots of fruits and vegetables have nutrients that are good for hair and skin so again, do a little research and maybe pick a colourful option next time you are eating out. Also, we can’t go wrong with plenty of water to help the skin. Try not to snack too much on coffee and chocolate the week of the wedding, you still need to eat properly even though nerves may make you feel like you don’t want to.

Personal Appearance

We all have our own little insecurities, that we’d love to wave a magic wand and erase. For some ladies it may be losing a few pounds or lusting after whiter teeth, while others may want to grow and thicken their hair. Think about standing at the altar with your partner gazing into your eyes, thinking you are the most beautiful in the world. It’s not a beauty pageant, if you are confident in yourself, but it will shine through for all your friends and family to see.


It’s almost a guarantee that your blood pressure may get a little high in the midst of all your planning. Take a deep breath and remember why you are doing this. This might sound strange, but a great way to destress is to play loud music and clean your house. If you are a domestic goddess, this may be a stress reliever already. Also, mindfulness colouring books are a cheap and super soothing relaxation alternative. Ten minutes of colouring will bring instant calmness.

Date nights

Don’t forget what your big day is all about, the two of you. Make date nights a priority in the run-up, even if it’s a DVD night and a cup of tea with a ban on phones and social media. This is the most exciting times of your life, enjoy it.

Don’t get hung up on all of the above, they are just a few little things that might make you feel good on your big day, as I said I’m not a fitness or skincare expert. And when you are having a bad day planning, just remember he asked you to marry him before all this planning madness started and he will be there by your side long after.

– By Lisa Carmody

Image Credits: Bride – HBA Photography via Rock My Wedding; WatermelonCaroline Tran via Style Me Pretty; Date Night Jar – via Pinterest.

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