Irish Gov. Support Same Sex Marriage in 2015 Referendum

Irish Gov. Support Same Sex Marriage in 2015 Referendum

Our government has agreed to hold a referendum on civil marriage for same sex couple in the first half of 2015. Minister for Justice Alan Shatter brought this to the cabinet’s attention on Wednesday morning.

As well as this, Enda Kenny has been leading the way with his backing if the Cabinet decision. Mr Kenny told the Dáil:

“In respect of this particular issue about gay marriage, clearly the preparatory legislation in respect of family support and family issues is one that will be published hopefully by the Minister for Justice before Christmas.

The Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Marriage Equality and the Gay and Lesbian Network have all welcomed the announcement.

Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin Denis Nulty said that there is always a necessity to treat homosexuals with compassion. But, he also mentioned that the very nature of marriage and children and their importance to society is worth protecting.

He mentions: “The Catholic Church will continue to hold that the differences between a man and a woman are not accidental to marriage but fundamental to it and that children have a natural right to a mother and father and that this is the best environment for them where possible.”

Either way, we are taking this a good sign of change and progress for Ireland. Who knows what good this may do for our tourism and economy if this referendum passes? Plus, it is fantastic to see our government take this on a civil rights issue too. Previously, same sex couples could only enter a civil partnership together. While some have seen this as progress, others feel that same sex couples should have the same rights of any other couple.

Check out this adorable video of kid’s reacting to gay marriage below. Very mixed and interesting:

Source: RTÉ News

Image via Wiki Commons

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