Wedding Planning – The Tough Questions!

Congratulations! You are engaged and one of the most exciting times of your life is ahead of you. Before you dive into your wedding planning I suggest you answer some questions! Hopefully the answers will help you with your planning, suppliers, budgeting, guest lists etc.

Are you, the bride and groom, on the same wave-length when it comes to your wedding day?
Ask each other do you want a big or small affair?
At home or abroad?
What is your ideal location and preferred time of year?
Will you have a church wedding? Civil Ceremony? Humanist ceremony?

Where do you see yourself having your reception?
A 5 star hotel
Marquee wedding in a beautiful location
Small intimate reception in a country house
A popular “wedding” hotel

How is your wedding going to be financed?
Do you both need to save?
Are you going to receive help from your parents?
Will you have to get a loan? Is this the best thing to do?
Consider mortgage, rent, motor expenses, day to day living, other weddings planned, holidays booked, if you have children consider the financial implications.

Setting the Date
How soon do you want to have your wedding?
Consider work and financial commitments.
Would you like to have a long engagement or short?

Communication and compromise are large parts of wedding planning! Whatever you decide just make sure you are both comfortable with the direction your wedding is taking and most importantly….. Enjoy it!

  Karen Buchanan is a regular blogger for Wedding Dates. She runs a wedding planning business called Weddings With Karen Buchanan. Connect with her on her Facebook page at Weddings With Karen Buchanan or chirp her over on Twitter. Her Twitter handle is @karenbuchanan3.

{Image of wedding guest book by BraggingBags on Etsy}

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