Meet Our Sales & Marketing Account Manager - Karen

Karen Buchanan is Sales & Marketing Account Manager with us and she is an integral part of the team.  We’d be lost without her cheery disposition and sense of humor to brighten up the office.  Karen has a bit of a mischievous side though and is the queen of pranks.  You have to keep your wits about you when Karen is around and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We asked Karen a few questions to get an insight into what makes her tick.  Enjoy!!

Karen Buchanan

How long have you worked with WeddingDates?

Two years since April 23rd . Which happens to be our CEO’s birthday too! I accepted the job on a Monday morning and was in the office the next morning.

Do you live, eat and breathe weddings?

Pretty much. I have worked in busy wedding venues in West Cork since I was 16 so I have been around brides, grooms and weddings for all of my career. People used to always ask did I ever get tired of weddings. Never! Every day, couple and family are so different to the next so there’s no room for boredom at all!

What is your favourite part of your job?

Definitely working closely with our clients at WeddingDates. We work with some stunning wedding venues across Ireland and the UK and with some fantastic people! I am out on the road a lot on site visits and recently spent a week in Donegal. Travelling from the sea at Bundoran to beautiful Lough Eske, along the foot of Mount Errigal and right up to the Inishowen peninsula as far as Malin Head was just magical. The highlight was definitely seeing 3 deer running along the hills as the sun set!

 Inchydoney Beach

What is the least favourite part of the job?

I don’t really have a least favourite part of the job. If you were to ask me about the least favourite part of the body, food or particular word they would be belly buttons, boiled cabbage and the word ‘moist’. I absolutely hate all three!

What are your guilty pleasures?

Does Emmerdale count?! I am a massive fan, as are a few of my colleagues who shall remain nameless.

What is your favourite music genre or band?

I have the strangest taste in music and like all sorts. At the moment I am listening to Florence and the Machine’s new album, Rudimental and The Wandering of Avener. Paul Simon, Bell X1, Ed Sheeran, Sinead O’Connor are all in my glove box too. I love Jenny Green on 2FM… can’t beat her club sandwich!! I love the Dirty Dancing soundtrack and am partial to a little Dolly Parton too. A mixed bag you could say.

Breakfast With Pals

If there was a movie being made of your life who would you want to play you?

I have no idea! I am not up to speed on the actors and celebs at all and I often have to ask my colleague Ciara Moore in the office to explain who so and so is! Ask Ciara Moore who would play me!

Have you any special talents or gifts?

Well I just discovered last night that I can put my toes in my mouth! My two-year-old nephew is able to do it and we were messing about and I wanted a go. And I could! I do a lot of yoga so I am putting it down to that! The look on my sister’s face was just priceless.


What is your favourite way to spend a Saturday afternoon?

Just hanging around with my husband or friends. And it would have to include a nice brunch and cake. And scenery…. I love nice scenery! We live near Inchydoney beach so we try to get out for a walk on the beach as much as we can.

If you were stranded on a desert island what would be the one item you would have to have with you?

Food! I have a huge appetite so couldn’t get far without a big stash of food! Generally I don’t get invited to events where there is a buffet…I am not seen for the night!


Are there any great passions in your life whether they be people, hobbies, animals or objects?

I absolutely love yoga. I only got into it about four years ago now and I am completely addicted. I have made incredible friends through it and I also travelled to India and Thailand on retreats. I love it!

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WeddingDates Contributors
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