Who's Up At The Top? The Bridal Table That Is.

The wedding ceremony is over. You’ve taken your photographs with the wedding photographer and the register has been signed. You arrive at the reception and take your seats at the bridal table.

You have carefully reviewed your seating plan weeks before the big day. What about the bridal table: who have you seated there?

Some couples decide to greet their guests as they arrive at the reception. Some think that it is a bit formal and realistically greeting one hundred guests can be a little time consuming. The bridal table is usually a long rectangular table which has an open view of the room. The guest’s tables are usually round to accommodate the maximum amount of guests and your guests should be seated to allow family members to be nearer to the bridal table. But we are all about the quirky factor so why not, defy the norm and do it your way?

The typical bridal table at a wedding would have the groom sitting to the left of the bride and places alternating male-female to include the bride and groom’s parents, the best man and the maid of honour. Although alterations may need to be made if parents on either side of the bride or groom are divorced.  When it comes to parents that perhaps do not speak to one another, a few creative solutions will be needed as well.

No matter what the family arrangement, always aim to seat guests in a way to helps conversation to flow. Comfort is what will make your reception a memorable one!

Once you have your seating plan arranged and put together for your guests, sit back and relax. So enjoy, and dance the night away!

{Image of bridal table sign by yinvivo on Etsy}

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