Advocate Photography

Advocate Photography

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I will capture your special day in a very relaxed and natural manner, allowing you to enjoy the day with family and friends. Minimal posing, no bossing around just unique memories of your special day captured forever.


Advocate Photography is a Cork wedding photographer based close to Cork city. I specialise in documentary wedding photography.

As the day unfolds I capture all the unique moments as they unfold. I try to be as unobtrusive as I can but still get close enough to capture the all the emotions of the day.

Does this mean I don't do any family formals on the day? No, they will also be done along with a bride and groom shoot. 

My style might suit a couple that are not a huge fan of posing. I am not a pushy photographer that will be telling you to do this and that. Your day will be special and as you enjoy it, I will capture as much of that emotion as I can. 

An engagement shoot can also be arranged and is a good way to get to know each other and to have a bit of fun.

Meet the Dream Maker

Michael O Farrell
Michael O Farrell
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